List of active members from Central Intelligence Working Group
by Dinesh Verma
As discussed in the call of the technical working group today, I plan to submit the following list of active members in the working group to Jinjun Xiong for the purpose of conducting ENG Elections. If you see there is anyone missing from this list who is active in the working group, please let me know so I can update the list. The deadline to do so is by EoD on Thursday Nov 3rd. The list is due to Jinjun on Friday.
andy.poling(a) <andy.poling(a)>;
Anindita Das <Anindita.Das(a)>;
areznik(a) <areznik(a)>;
bwright(a) <bwright(a)>;
David Edelsohn <edelsohn(a)>;
Dinesh Verma <dverma(a)>;
ganesh.harinath(a) <ganesh.harinath(a)>;
Janki Y Vora <janki(a)>;
john.overton(a) <john.overton(a)>;
josh(a) <josh(a)>;
Mathews Thomas <matthom(a)>;
muhammad.siddiqui3(a) <muhammad.siddiqui3(a)>;
nnarang(a) <nnarang(a)>;
Ravi.P.Sinha(a) <Ravi.P.Sinha(a)>;
sanjay(a) <sanjay(a)>;
Sandro Mazziotta smazziot(a)<>;
Sathya Santhar1 <Sathya.Santhar1(a)>;
Sharath Prasad <Sharath.Prasad(a)>;
Sheeba Prakash <sheeba(a)>;
Shirley Han <ShirleyHan(a)>;
Surajit Barman <Surajit.Barman(a)>;
tong2.zhang(a) <tong2.zhang(a)>;
tshan(a) <tshan(a)>
Dinesh C. Verma, FREng
IBM Fellow, Chief Scientist, Research Consulting Partnership,
IBM TJ Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598
Phone: (914)-494-8018
Email: dverma(a)<>
2 years, 3 months
Agenda for the Central Intelligence Platform Working Group
Hi Folks,
For our meeting on coming Monday, Oct 3, 2022 I want to accomplish two tasks:
(1) Compile the list of all the members whose name we ought to submit as active for the purpose of elections of ENG.
(2) As part of an IBM client event, I had authored a fun text classifier program. I have gotten approval from IBM to release source for that in ENG as open source. I wanted to present that and get feedback from the team on any enhancements to make it more attractive to the community.
(3) Any updates or feedback on the Hugging Face discussions, if there are any.
We can put other items on the agenda as needed.
2 years, 3 months
Restarting the Monday meetings for Central Intelligence Platform Team
by Dinesh Verma
I realized that the meeting invites for our biweekly meeting on Mondays had expired.
I am sending a new set of invites starting the coming Monday October 17th, 2022 through the rest of the year.
I also wanted to use this occasion to clean up the invitee list.
Based on the attendance history, my plan is to include the following folks/emails in the new set of invites:
sheeba(a)<> (new member from IBM Academy)
If you are not on the list to be invited, and want to get the invite, please let me know by email reply and I will add you.
Same for someone who should be invited and I have omitted their name accidentally.
If you want to be removed from this mailing list, please remove yourself from the list at
Dinesh C. Verma, FREng
IBM Fellow, Chief Scientist, Research Consulting Partnership,
IBM TJ Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598
Phone: (914)-494-8018
Email: dverma(a)<>
2 years, 4 months